Everything Judy Retreats
We will have Everything Judy Retreats in 2025. The dates will be posted as soon as the details are finalized. You will have a great time with other Judy Niemeyer fans sewing on your own projects with help available from Lucille Amos, Certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor. Each day is $150 or take all three days within a session for $375.
Class Payment & Refund Policy
1) Any class where the fee is more than $100, 50% is due when you sign up. The other 50% of the fee is due 60 days before the class begins. To sign up with a deposit only, please call or stop by the store; we can only process full payment enrollments on the website.
2) Classes where the fee is less than $100 must be paid in full when you sign up for class.
3) If you need to cancel more than 60 days before the start of class, any fees paid are refundable except for an administrative fee of 10%. If it is less than 60 days, the fee (less admin fee) can be refunded only if your space in class can be filled.